•June 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Hi Friends!

Thank your for your awesome support and readership! I am no longer using this blog for my entertainment career and business.


Best to you!


Dancing With The Stars – Episode 2

•March 29, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Over 39 Million people watched the premiere of the 10th season of “Dancing With The Stars” last week on ABC! It was amazing! I was so thrilled to be one of those 39 Million people! To watch celebrities with various backgrounds like Chad Ochocinco from the Cincinnatti Bengals, Erin Andrews from ESPN, and Pamela Anderson, who takes your breath away with her hot bod that hasn’t changed in 20 years!

Tonight is a BIG night! Who do you think will go home after the first week? Give me your opinion and watch tonight on ABC at 8/7 Central! Don’t miss it!

Nicole Scherzinger and Derek Hough danced the Viennese Waltz to Hold You In My Arms by Ray LaMontagne.Erin Andrews rehearsing for her dance.

Do you think this show will get as big as American Idol?

•March 18, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Jobs…why do they control us?

•March 12, 2010 • Leave a Comment

You get up at 6 a.m. five days a week for at least 30 to 50 years of your life…just to be put in a seniors apartment or nursing home where your money is viciously taken from you for the outrageous rent you have to pay for care and services. At that point, you’ll probably be thinking… “why didn’t I take control of my life instead of letting my job take control of me?”

Many people in our country have thought these things for years or something similar. The “American Dream” has been beaten into us so much from the time we are children that to think that there is anything more successful than a career is foolish! WHY????

We define ourselves by our jobs, cars, houses, pets, childrens’ successes, and traveling exploits. We think it’s foolish to live in a simple one-bedroom apartment to pay off school loans

The American Dream

instead of paying higher rent for a larger home and postpone our indebtedness.

Personally, I am just as guilty. I have to daily remind myself of the endless joys that I am given and that I have the privilege of enjoying time with those I love. Yes, my husband and I have daily jobs that pay our bills and give us the little luxuries that we enjoy together, but we don’t define ourselves or our happiness on whether we get a promotion or a raise. Life is too short to place that kind of pressure on our shoulders.

My probelm is that I look at others too much. I base my happiness on the things that I don’t have. It’s a struggle at times to park my silver Honda Civic next to the new Jaguar or Lexus at work, but then I slap myself and say, “Hey, Jen, you are blessed! Don’t forget how excited you were to get this car when your old car was totalled in an accident two years ago!” Yep, my mind was brought back to reality!

Ask yourself: What are you controlled by and will it bring a smile to your face in 30 years?

Re-think your priorities and join me in being grateful for our many blessings. We’re alive and have today to enjoy!

Who took the excitement out of the Oscars?

•March 8, 2010 • 4 Comments

I was pleased with most of the winners at the Oscars last night, but honestly, this was one of the WORST Academy Awards I’ve ever watched in my life! Everyone acted like they were at a funeral! What’s their problem? DId they all decide to come with bad, pity-party attitudes and leave their personalities at home?

I was greatly disappointed with George Clooney’s attitude, the lack of class that was prevalent with the presenters, and the offensive looks that these stars gave when Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin made fun, innocent jokes about everyone! Lighten up people! You’re getting paid millions to create stories and do something you love! At least “act” like you’re grateful!

What an exciting day!

•March 7, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The 2010 Oscar’s are tonight!!! This is one of my favorite days of the year! We get to watch beautiful people adorned with the most gorgeous and outrageous gowns and outfits by various designers who are always trying to make a statement. We also get to see the satisfaction and gratitude shown to filmmakers who spend day and night working on some of the largest films in history. It’s breathtaking.

Who do you think will win an Oscar this year?

Here are my selections. Comment at the bottom of this article to give me your opinions.



ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE – George Clooney in “Up in the Air”

ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE – Woody Harrelson in “The Messenger”

ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE – Sandra Bullock in “The Blindside”

ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE – Anna Kendrick in “Up in the Air”

ANIMATED FEATURE FILM – “The Princes and the Frog”


CINEMATOGRAPHY – “Inglourious Basterds”


DIRECTING – “The Hurt Locker”


DOCUMENTARY SHORT – “Music by Prudence”


FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM – “The Milk of Sorrow”

MAKEUP – “Star Trek”

MUSIC (ORIGINAL SCORE) – “Sherlock Holmes”

MUSIC (ORIGINAL SONG) – “Nine” Take It All

SHORT FILM ANIMATED – “A Matter of Loaf and Death”







Hi, it’s me!

•January 28, 2010 • Leave a Comment
Let’s take entertainment by storm!

What’s your goal this year? Are you wanting to succeed in a new diet, save money for a new car, pay off a credit card, or meet the love of your life?

We all have different goals each day, each week, and each year. They are various sizes and have a different amount of magnitude on our lives, but each one is important.
Tell me what your goals are this year and list any questions you may have on how to achieve those goals!
You can do anything, friend! I’m with you each step of the way!

A fresh, clean slate

•January 5, 2010 • 2 Comments

What was the thing you felt most guilty about in 2009? Do you wish you could go back and do things differently? Did you say things to someone at work or at home that you wish you could take back? Did you go to Starbucks one too many times and spend money on calories that you know were not good for you?

I am guilty. I do regret some things I did in 2009, words of anger or malice that I said, and even the glorious, sinful calories that I consumed as a Starbucks junkie! haha! BUT!!! I cannot go back and change things. I don’t have the magic wand to repeat the past. However, I do have the opportunity to write a new story on my fresh, clean slate of 2010! What an exciting new page in my life story!

What are your goals for 2010? Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Or are you more of the cynical type who wants to just see what happens by chance each day? We are all different and have unique approaches to starting a new year. There’s nothing wrong with resolutions or cynical outlooks because we all have those moments at times, too. Therefore, how can we actually make wise goals and reach them this year? How can we take the right steps so we don’t look back in remorse on 2010?

Here are some fun tips that I believe will help us all!

1. Love yourself for who you truly are. Don’t make outlandish goals that will be impossible for you to reach. You are not going to become Halle Berry or Brad Pitt! That’s unrealistic and not fair to you. You are uniquely beautiful and handsome. Cherish your good qualities!

2. Love others more than yourself. This is tough. But, when you truly decide to serve others out of genuine love and selflessly provide for their well-being, then you actually in turn will love yourself more, too. It’s a win-win situation!

3. Learn patience. This is an on-going lesson! Ha! Don’t expect others to know what you’re thinking all the time and meet your every whim. Be more patient with others and with yourself. My toughest task is usually to be patient with myself because I am a perfectionist and want to be the best. Ha! That will never happen! Perfectionists will fail every time. We are not made to be perfect because we are human.

4. Embrace differences. Learn more about other cultures, peoples’ backgrounds, and refine how you converse with others about differing opinions and values. Stand for what you believe is right, but don’t destroy others because of their views. Love them for their heart and soul.

5. Listen more. This is so hard! I am quite a talker and writer as you can tell from my articles, and I have learned many difficult, painful lessons about listening. Don’t speak too quickly and listen to a conversation first before injecting your thoughts or opinions. You will be wiser and more respected for it in the long run.

6. Savor each moment and morsel. DON’T DIET THIS YEAR!!! You probably think I’m crazy, but I encourage you to not try a new diet and instead teach yourself to enjoy each morsel of food. The French are brilliant with food! They eat butter, cream, and fat in every meal, yet they are slender and healthy. They have learned the art of cooking savory meals that have rich flavors and fill you quickly. You will lose weight if you pay attention more to what you eat and knowing when you are satisfied. Savor each moment with others, too. Take delight in those around you because those wonderful times will quickly pass you by.

I hope that these tips help you as much as they will for me in 2010. You are a valuable person who has a beautiful, clean slate in front of you for 2010. What will you do with it? Will you draw closer to others, embrace more of your unique identity, or draw closer to God? It’s our choice. Let’s start today!

What are you doing today to reach your dreams tomorrow?

•October 29, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The U.S. economy took the greatest nose dive in 2008 when the Stock Market bellied at a shocking low causing America and the rest of the world to experience waves of unemployment, poverty, and the scariest economic panic that the world has seen since The Depression. This economic downturn not only affected the Middle Class, but also affected the wealthy and poverty stricken. The definition of capitalism started to change…capitalism

Capitalism is defined as an “economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”

Americans and global citizens are revolutionizing the vision of capitalism!

Roughly over 30 years ago entrepreneurs came up with a business idea that would cut out the costs of the “middle man” and share the profits of the company only between the company the distributors. This became known as “Network Marketing.”

Dr. Charles King, renowned professor of business practices, says that there are five key factors to a network marketing company and I’m going to tell you of a company that is exploding in all these areas!

  • Demand—The beauty industry is booming and people need health and wellness products.
  • Consumable—a product should be bought often.
  • Quality – offers high-end, but affordable, consumable products.
  • Timing and Trends—a business should be favored by market trends.
  • Leveraging—a business should demand only flexible time.

One of the premiere companies that is impacting millions of people in the U.S. and around the globe is Arbonne International. I was introduced to Arbonne five years ago in Springfield, Missouri when a friend invited me to a meeting to learn about Arbonne’s Natural Swiss Skincare products. I was suspicious of network marketing because I had gone to many parties for other makeup companies and wholesale products, so I decided to buy the cheapest itemin the Arbonne catalog—sunscreen chapstick. I used that one natural chapstick for six months and I became hooked.

I am still using the amazing Arbonne products today and now have decided to build my own personal business throughArbonne FC5 the network marketing phenomenon! I realized that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a stuffy office from nine to five and get stuck in hours of traffic. I want to make my own hours, choose the people I work with, get back the income that I have worked for, and have freedom to spend time with my husband and family! WHAT AN AWESOME LIFE!!!

ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: What are you doing today to reach your dreams tomorrow?

Questions? Contact Me:

Family Matters

What can I do for my family?

The Job Search…

•September 24, 2009 • 1 Comment

As of August 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that America is currently at 9.6% unemployment. Scary! Some states like Ohio and Michigan are even at higher rates of unemployment and not seeing any hope of ending the job drought soon. What has happened to our great nation and what are Americans feeling?

I have had personal experience as one of the hundreds-of-thousands who are unemployed. My job of the past two years ended the last day of June 2009 and I just found a position three days ago with a company that will keep me financially afloat and allow me to have a flexible schedule for my involvement with entertainment projects.

It was quite scary not having job during one of the most exciting times of my life—marrying the love of my life and starting our new life together. It took faith, trust, and major communication tools for my husband Kris and I to stay within our budget and talk about the important details of our finances.

Grow closer through everything!

Grow closer through everything!

No one likes to say they’re unemployed. No one likes to say they’re struggling financially. But, why are we so ashamed? Are we too wrapped in our own pride and pity parties to realize that the guy or girl next to us at the bank might also be overwhelmed with fear about how they’re going to pay their bills this month?

So, what should we do to overcome this historical period of unemployment in our country and destroy the disease of fear that is more dangerous than the financial burdens we face?

My loving, wise husband gave me some valuable advice that I will never forget: The only thing to fear is fear itself. He also reminded me that I have no excuse for not being happy if I don’t make the most of each day to enjoy the little things of life. I don’t need money or Starbucks to make me happy! (Ouch! That’s a BIG step of surrender for me! I’m a Starbucks fein!)

I’m learning during our recession how to be resourceful. Here are a few ways that Kris and I have been resourceful to save money and get money:

1. Return any items (clothes, gifts, etc.) that have the tags on them and you know you don’t need if they don’t have sentimental value.

2. Unplug appliances, cell phone chargers, toasters, curling irons, etc. when not using them. Turn up the temperature on your air conditioning during the day when you’re not home. Turn off the TV or computers when you’re not using them.

3. Sell items (books, DVDs, furniture, etc.) on fun online markets like Amazon, Craigslist, ebay, etc.

These are just a few ideas that may be able to help you clean up your house and also put more cash in your pocket for sweet treats or important bills.

Don’t underestimate the power of creativity and prayer! ha! This is our time to explore our numerous talents and gifts as human beings. Apply for jobs that you have never tried and re-vamp your resume on websites like

Any way you look at it, we’re all in this together! So, make the most of it and draw together with those you love during tough times.